ew, gross
Several months ago, I was asked to design and build an area in Second Life. I didn't actively promote myself as a builder. I didn't advertise that I was looking for work. People saw what I'd done, told me they wanted me to do the job because of what they'd seen, and there it was.
I hesitated a bit just because I'd only built for myself until that point and wasn't sure how to build for someone else, but I was given a lot of freedom to really do my 'own' thing and designed an area with several buildings that had a great 'feel' to it. I was paid for the work and was told it was perfect and they loved it.
When I visited this spot in Second Life a few days ago, I almost threw up. The work I'd done there has been modified/changed and righteously screwed the hell up.
I honestly wish that they'd just taken down everything I'd done and had started over, because seeing half of my work mixed with half of this putrid nonsense is really hard to deal with. Not to mention the fact that people are still able to see that I was the creator and if they don't look beyond the initial building and see that the rest of it was done by someone else, it really doesn't make me look great as a designer, builder, or artist.
It's not even that they left a few of my buildings and then added some of their own -that would be bad enough, but to see the buildings I created with huge holes in them, and new textures, and tacky-ass, stupid, trashy, (sorry) SHIT all around them, is a freaking nightmare.
When I was doing the building, the thought that someone might modify/change/replace what I'd put there didn't even cross my mind. I guess to me it was more than just some prims with some texture on them. It was truly a creation, a work of art... and I feel like I've been vandalized or assaulted.
I wonder how Da Vinci would have felt if he'd done the Mona Lisa, sold it, and the new owner decided she'd look better as a blonde.
You should contact these people. At least tell them to take your name off of it so they know you are displeased. People are asshats.
The problem is that in Second Life, if you've made something you will always show as the creator of that object, so there's no way for them to 'take my name' off of it without completely deleting it. Valuable lesson learned, I guess. I do think that I may have to let them know of my displeasure, though.
Sorry to hear that happened, Micala. =( I've had some of my own creations in other mediums "corrupted" like that before, I didn't imagine it would happen either when I put pieces of myself into those projects. But if it's any consolation, Mill Pond is one of the nicest places I've seen in SL!
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