the live music scene in second life (everyone always calls it that.. i'm not sure why actually but there it is) grows every day. every single day there are more people there performing, playing, singing, and making music. it's pretty freaking amazing.
i'm a live performer in second life, and i sing in there once or twice a week usually. i *love* doing it, it's so much fun and it's one of the things i love most about second life. i was really nervous, though, to start it. there are so many amazingly talented people in second life that play and sing, that i felt at first that since i was 'only' a singer maybe i shouldn't perform. it took a little while for me to recognize the fact that part of what makes second life so great, is that there's room for everyone - and when i say everyone, i mean EVERYONE.
second life is promoted as a place where you can 'be whatever you like' or 'be what you dream', and let me tell you, there are people living that out every day. furries, tinies, elves, prostitutes, people into the whole 'gor' lifestyle.. you name it, and it's probably there.
for the most part, people in second life really don't care what you're into. everyone's part of the larger community there and that's what it comes down to. am i into the 'gor' lifestyle? no, i'm not.. but can i respect that other people want to experience that? i sure can. i wonder sometimes if it's in the 'doing' and 'learning' that we make our decisions. if second life is a place that allows people to experiment and learn, then i think that's a great thing. if that makes us more conscious, caring, open-minded individuals in our 'offline' lives, then i'm all for it.
anyway, back to the music stuff.. there are a ton of musicians there and if you haven't been to any live music events, you really should go. they're always so 'real' and so welcoming. do some of the musicians suck? yeah, some kind of do.. and you know what? maybe some people think i suck too... but.. it's not about that.
it's not about whether you suck or don't suck.. or whether people love your music. it's about sharing the experience and respecting what other people are doing. it's a big step to put yourself and your talent out there to the criticism of others.. but it seems that in second life, the music and art communities at least, are all about respecting and recognizing the differences we all have... and making the most of it.