
feel it

While I recognize the necessity for a basis of observed reality... true art lies in a reality that is felt. Odilon Redon

This quote just about wraps it up for me. I'm all about 'feeling' art. If it doesn't make you feel anything then there's no point to it in my opinion. I think this is why I enjoy Second Life as much as I do. I get immediate gratification for something I build, or photograph, or perform, or write. I can immediately see, hear, and even feel how others are reacting to something I've done. It sounds almost selfish typed out that way, but that's not how it's intended.

Some artists seem to be into art just for the 'shock' value that comes from presenting a work they've done, and although that's not what I'm about, still.. in some way, they're making people 'feel', and I can respect that. I can certainly respect that much more than someone that creates art that just sits there being bland.

I think that's one of my biggest fears. Making something that 'just sits there' and doesn't make anyone feel anything. Hopefully, keeping myself involved in creative processes will lessen the possibility of that happening. If I keep building, keep creating, keep singing, keep writing.. chances are good that out of all of those things, something will hit home for someone.


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